Explaining Collaborative Family Law

To collaborate means to commit to a partnership or union between two or more people who can produce or make something together, creating a better outcome than would be possible without collaboration. Collaborative lawyers work in the same way, working with all parties that are involved in a family dispute, and helping them to resolve their issues without the need of intervention from a judge or court.

Trying to resolve a separation or divorce, or parenting issues, is an emotional task at the best of times, and the thought of ending up in the family law courts naturally fills most people with a sense of dread. These proceedings can turn into lengthy and costly situations that can send already heightened stress levels soaring.

Collaborative family law is usually quicker and cheaper than going to court and involves both parties each hiring a lawyer so that everyone can meet face to face to work on a suitable outcome. A participation agreement is first signed, and this promises that the lawyers will not take the matter to court, and the focus is then on finding suitable solutions for both parties in an informal and friendly manner.

Where To Find Collaborative Lawyers

Nobody believes they will have to go through family disputes and break-ups until it actually happens to them, and then finding the right lawyer to help you through can seem like a minefield on top of all the other stresses. Marsdens Law Group has been around for more than 50 years, and we have a wealth of knowledge and experience about how best to handle these delicate situations.

Our team of professionals is led by accredited family law specialists and legal experts who have years of experience and advice to offer clients, and we pride ourselves in our expert skill care and legal knowledge that offers support and confidence for early resolutions to all our clients.

We specialise in collaborative family law, and we tailor our solutions to each of our client's specific issues. Some law firms bamboozle you with legal jargon, but here at Marsdens, we prefer to listen to you and work with you to effectively resolve your situation as quickly as possible to avoid costly and stressful situations. Whether you have family disputes, same-sex couple separation or child support issues, our collaborative lawyers can help you find the right outcomes so you can get back on track with your life.

Achieving The Best Possible Outcomes

If you want to avoid high court costs, litigation and lengthy delays then collaborative family law may be an ideal option for you. Our team at Marsdens is also used to working alongside other specialist experts such as psychologists, psychiatrists, accountants and valuers who are all there to help you achieve the best possible outcome. 

If you want to find out more about how our collaborative lawyers can help you settle your disputes without having to set foot inside a courtroom, then contact us today and one of our team will be happy to guide you through the process.

Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law is a rising development in resolving Family Law disputes and it aims to keep property and parenting disputes out of the Family Law Courts by encouraging clients and their lawyers work together to achieve resolution.

Tom Reeve and Nevine Youssef of Marsdens Law Group are Accredited Family Law Specialists who have formed an association with other Accredited Specialists in Family Law in the Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly areas. Together, this association can offer its clients an alternative way to resolve their family law disputes.

The first step for all parties (the two clients and their solicitors) is to sign a "Participation Agreement." This Agreement forms a promise that the lawyers will not take the matter to court.

This approach to Family Law dispute resolution focuses on solutions that satisfy the needs of both parties in an informal and friendly atmosphere where delay, litigation and high court costs are non-existent.

If you think that Collaborative Law is the right solution for your family law issues, please contact Tom Reeve at treeve@marsdens.net.au or Nevine Youssef at nyoussef@marsdens.net.au.