Family Dispute Resolution

Experiencing a family breakdown can be highly emotional and stressful for all involved. Fortunately, Court is not the only option to resolve parenting and property matters.

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is a form of mediation designed to assist couples and families going through separation in reaching their own mutually acceptable agreements. It is an effective alternative to court proceedings and litigation.

What Is Meant by Family Dispute Resolutions?

We all know what family disputes are like. Whether it is something as simple as siblings fighting over which toy to play with, or it's the emotional roller coaster of a couple trying to negotiate their way through a tricky separation, we understand how hard these issues are to resolve when emotions are running high. We often turn to a third party or friend to ask for advice as they are not so close to the situation and can often have a clearer overall picture of what has happened, and maybe a better idea of how to resolve it.

Specialist family lawyers like Marsdens have the legal knowledge to deal with these emotional and very stressful situations. In fact, our company has been around for more than 50 years and during that time we have gained a wealth of experience on how best to handle these delicate situations. By providing family law mediation services in Sydney, we are offering an effective and alternative way to resolve parenting and property matters without having to go through lengthy court proceedings and litigation.

Family dispute resolutions are designed to help couples and families negotiate future arrangements and mutually acceptable agreements with the assistance of a neutral third party. Mediation is a way to settle disputes before they escalate or require intervention by a court or a judge. At Marsdens, we believe that our Sydney family mediation service should be the primary way to try and resolve any family disputes.

Where Can I Find Help Like Family Mediation in NSW?

Marsdens Law Group are family law specialists based in Sydney, and we offer family dispute resolution both virtually and face-to-face, across Sydney and Australia. Our team will discuss and arrange the most appropriate setting, taking into consideration the location of the parties concerned, and any safety worries or risks involved. 

Our expert group of family dispute resolution practitioners will provide the parties and their legal representatives with a mediation agreement which includes the costs and confidentiality agreement and decide on the best venue for the meeting. 

The role of the mediator is not to tell the parties what to do or give any legal advice, rather they assist the parties in reaching an amicable agreement and try to improve communication between them. The mediator may provide suggestions to help reach such an agreement and ensure the process is undertaken in a safe and confidential manner.

How Do I Know If I Need Family Dispute Resolutions?

Our professional and caring team at Marsdens Law Group are led by accredited family law specialists and legal experts who have years of experience in family dispute issues. We pride ourselves in being one of Sydney's best family law specialists because we aim to provide early resolutions to avoid costly and stressful situations, and we tailor each solution to the individual problem. 

By providing you with both family lawyers and mediation services, we believe we can offer personal and professional advice that is sensitive to the financial and emotional cost of family disputes and will give you confidence for a swift and positive outcome.

Why mediation with Marsdens Law Group?

Mediation in a family law dispute setting allows parties to come together in a neutral, voluntary and confidential setting to explore options for parenting arrangements and property matters post separation. The aim is to reach an agreement without the matter escalating further or requiring interference or determination by a Court or Judge.

At Marsdens Law Group, we see mediation as more than just an ‘alternative’ to Court: it should be the primary way parties seek to resolve their property and parenting disputes.

However, we recognise that sometimes mediation it is not appropriate in every matter, particularly in cases involving family violence. Our expert team take the safety of all parties seriously and undertake ongoing risk assessment after speaking to both parties and completing the intake process.

What will the mediation process involve?

Parties can attend the mediation on their own or with their lawyers. Once you have decided to engage in the mediation process, there are several important steps in the process which our team will guide you through:

  1. Mediation Agreement: our team will provide the parties and their legal representatives with a copy of the Mediation Agreement, which includes the schedule of costs and confidentiality agreement, for you to consider, sign and return to us prior the mediation.
  2. Venue: we offer dispute resolution both virtually and face to face, jointly or in a shuttle setting. Our team will discuss with you the most appropriate setting, considering the location of the parties and if there are any safety concerns or risks. We offer all services across Sydney and Australia-wide.
  3. Mediator's Role: the Mediator is a nationally accredited mediator or family dispute resolution practitioner. Their role is a neutral one. The Mediator oversees a confidential, safe process that affords everyone the best opportunity to resolve their family law matter. Whilst the Mediator does not give parties legal advice, they may adopt an evaluative approach whereby the parties invite the Mediator to provide suggestions to assist them to reach an agreement.
  4. Preliminary Conference: as soon as we are engaged to conduct the mediation, our team will be in contact with you and/or your legal representative to arrange a preliminary conference. This usually occurs over the phone or via teams, and forms part of the mediation process where you will speak with your Mediator in a confidential setting with just you and your legal representative.
  5. Joint Mediation Conference: after all parties have participated in separate preliminary conferences, all parties will be invited to attend and participate in a joint mediation conference. This is a voluntary, confidential process where the Mediator will assist the parties to reach a resolution to their family law dispute.
  6. Agreement: if you are able to reach either a final, partial-final or interim agreement, the Mediator will assist with confirming the agreements reached on the day. The parties will then need to seek legal advice in relation whether any agreement is then made into a Court order or parenting plan thereafter.

Although the aim of a mediation is to finalise a dispute, if no agreement is reached, the sessions can prove useful in narrowing the issues and helping parties communicate better in the future.

Is the process confidential?

All discussions held during mediation and family dispute resolution are confidential and, accordingly, any information exchanged between the parties cannot be used in subsequent Court litigation. There are exceptions to this rule, such as where threats are made against the other person or the other person’s property, or there is a disclosure that a child may have been subjected to abuse or there is a risk of abuse.

Who will be my Mediator?

Parties and legal professionals looking to resolve their disputes outside of the Court process will have the expert assistance of our Family Dispute Resolution team, helping them bring an end to the often difficult and expensive family law separation process.

Whether you have just separated from your partner or spouse or are looking for a way to escape the family law Court system, Brett McGrath has a proven track record of ‘settling the unsettlable’ during his time as a Senior Judicial Registrar at the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in Sydney. Brett played a pivotal role in developing the Court’s family mediation pathways and was the Director for National Registrar Practice across Australia.

Brett has now been approved by the Attorney General as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP), meaning he can issue s60I certificates for parties who are unable to reach a settlement through mediation and need to proceed to Court. Brett has also been registered as the first member of the Lawyer Mediator Accreditation (LMA) Scheme through the Law Society of New South Wales and is a member of the Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and Mediators (AIFLAM).




With Brett’s experience sitting on the bench of the Court hearing and determining complex interim property, parenting, and spousal maintenance disputes, he is widely recognised for his fair, pragmatic, and results-driven approach to mediation.

Our Family Law Partner, Nevine Youssef, is an Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner registered with the Attorney General’s Department and a Nationally Accredited Mediator with AMDRAS. Nevine has extensive experience as an Accredited Family Law Specialist and Independent Children’s Lawyer, allowing her to guide parties through difficult disputes with expertise and care.

Our Family Law Partner, Vayshali Chandra, has been working exclusively in Family Law since her admission. She has extensive experience helping clients settle complex parenting and property matters. Vayshali holds a Master of Applied Family Law, majoring in Family Dispute Resolution, and is registered as an FDRP by the Attorney General’s Department.

Marsdens Law Group is proud to have Brett, Nevine, and Vayshali assisting families in resolving their property and parenting disputes through mediation.

Useful Links:

Booking your Family Dispute Resolution Mediation

If you have recently experienced a separation or a family breakdown and are having difficulty reaching an agreement over property or parenting arrangements, then Family Dispute Resolution could be the solution for you. At Marsdens Law Group, our team is here to help you navigate the process, assist you in finding workable solutions to your disputes and achieve the best outcome for your future.

The cost for a full day mediation with Brett McGrath is $6,600 including GST for Sydney metro areas (including Wollongong). Outside of Sydney metro, the cost will be $7,700 including GST plus travel expenses.

The cost for a full day mediation with Nevine Youssef is $2,100 per party, including GST (plus a $250 intake fee).

The cost for a full day mediation with Vayshali Chandra is $1,100 per party, including GST (plus a $250 intake fee).

To make an enquiry, please click here or contact us on (02) 4626 5077.

For further details, contact our team today.