Contract Disputes

One of the most prevalent issues amongst people in both the commercial and personal spheres, are contract disputes. Contract Disputes can arise in a variety of situations and commercial or personal contexts, this is because contracts can be formed formally and informally in everyday transactions.

Whether it is a contract dispute between an individual and another individual, a business, a government body or financial institution we are able to provide assistance at the front end by entering into negotiations and continue through to litigation as a last resort.

A contract dispute can arise when a party has breached an agreement. A contract does not need to be in writing and can be formed orally or can even be implied through someone’s conduct. When a contract is breached it can cause financial stress to a party.

We have a great track history of resolving disputes through simple negotiations with the other side during the early stages of a dispute. We also have experience in participating in mediations and arbitrations which provides an opportunity for all parties to discuss the issues in dispute and reach a resolution at a lower cost, than if the parties had proceeded straight to court proceedings.

We have advised on and defended a wide range of contract disputes across a variety of areas, we have proceeded to Court litigation on a large number of disputes and we work with a broad team of Barristers who have experience in their respective fields.

We can assist with the following types of contract disputes:

  • Mortgage or guarantor disputes;
  • Business disputes;
  • Director disputes;
  • Debt recovery;
  • Commercial disputes;
  • Breach of sale contracts;
  • Disputes relating to shareholders and partnerships; and
  • Misleading and Deceptive conduct disputes.

If you have a dispute with an individual, business or government body and require advice, please contact our Dispute Resolution team to receive tailored advice to your circumstances.