Building, Construction and Infrastructure

Our Dispute Resolution team has broad experience in Building, Construction and Infrastructure Disputes across NSW and interstate, across Australia. We represent homeowners, builders, small and large scale developers in the ever growing disputes area of building and construction, having extensive knowledge and management of Payment Claims and Payment Schedules issued under the Building and Construction Industry Security Of Payment Act.

We can review your building contract and provide you with advice before you enter into an Agreement to avoid any disputes throughout the construction process. We also provide advice regarding disputes that arise under building and construction contracts and help parties comes to favorable, cost efficient resolutions.

We can prepare the following:

  • Payment claims;
  • Payment schedules;
  • Security of Payment claims;
  • Dispute notices under a Contract.

We can provide advice on your rights under a contract regarding delay, termination and variations to a contract. We also have experience in commencing and defending claims in Court and NCAT regarding defective or incomplete building works.

We have provided advice, commenced and defended claims in Court regarding incorrect or negligent advice provided to small and large-scale developers and builders. If you require advice regarding your obligations under a construction or building contract get in touch with our Dispute Resolution Team who can provide you with the advice needed.