Bankruptcy and Insolvency

Whether you are an individual, small, medium or large business, financial difficulty can be a stressful and complex time, especially with the prospects of Insolvency or Bankruptcy looming.

Depending on your circumstances, there may be a number of options available to you on how to manage your financial difficulty to avoid bankruptcy or insolvency.

If you are considering bankruptcy or have the possibility of bankruptcy looming, there are a number of options you can consider and we can guide you through that process.

If you are a small, medium or large business with the possibility of insolvency looming or you have been served with a Creditors Statutory Demand, our team can assist you by providing tailored advice regarding your situation and a number of options that you can consider to avoid insolvency.

Each situation requires a specific and tailored approach to ensure the best outcome is achieved. Our team here at Marsdens has extensive experience and knowledge regarding both personal and corporate insolvency and can provide you with tailored advice and assistance on how to manage your current financial difficulties.

If you would like to discuss your current situation or would like further information about your financial difficulties and possible legal results, please contact Aaran Johnson or Bharath Balasubramanian to discuss your situation.