Jim Marsden OAM | Senior Partner
Jim is the Senior Partner of Marsdens Law Group and has been in that position for in excess of 15 years. Jim has spent the bulk of his professional career in Property and Commercial Law. He developed both Marsdens Property Group and Marsdens Commercial Group. He still plays an active role in both of these departments as well as other areas of law within the firm. As Senior Partner, Jim is also Chair of the Partnership Group.

Jim’s experience in the area of Property and Commercial Law, with an emphasis on Property Development, has spanned more than 40 years. He has been involved with the Urban Development Institute of Australia since the early 1990’s. He has a reputation for providing sound, commercial and practical advice on all aspects of Property Development and Commercial Agreements attached to that type of development. With a broad Commercial experience and involvement in many types and styles of Commercial and Property transactions, Jim has a reputation for providing a practical, coal faced view of a transaction whilst adhering to the strategic objectives of his clients. Most of Jim’s time these days is spent on problem solving and using his vast years of experience to achieve satisfactory outcomes.
Jim acts for many large and small developers and State and Local Government instrumentalities. His practice focuses on commercial and property law, but still Jim spearheads the firm’s direction in the 21st century in his role as Senior Partner.
Jim is a committed family man and loyal to the community. Over the years he has been involved in many charitable, civic and sporting organisations. In 2011 Jim was proud to be announced the Winner of the Law Society President’s Award for his pro bono work in the community. He was also awarded an OAM in 2013 for his continuing contributions. In 2017, Jim was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Western Sydney University. He also received the very special honour of being made a Campbelltown Ambassador at a function at Parliament House in 2018 in recognition for his efforts in promoting and supporting the Macarthur Community.