The law may be digital, but kids are real

To protect everyone’s health and safety, the majority of parenting cases are being dealt with by telephone or by video conferencing. The Courts are doing their best to triage new matters and to progress ongoing ones, in extraordinary circumstances.

This is going to cause some delays, which can be frustrating. For some families, this time can be used to hold mediation, which can also be done by telephone or video conferencing. Existing Orders may cover health issues, but not the current health crisis. Families will need to make changes to arrangements for their children.

For some families, changeover has been in a restaurant. That will no longer be possible, and an alternative location will need to be worked out. It could be time to try changeover at each parent’s home. If there are safety concerns, another public venue should be considered, such as a park.

Sadly, supervised time might stop for some families. If an independent, paid service has been supervising the time, they may close down. Some already have. Talk to your lawyer about what alternatives could suit your family.

The best place to get advice about your child’s health is from your doctor. If advised to self-isolate, time between some parents and children may stop, temporarily.  Wherever possible, make telephone or video calls to keep up contact. There are lots of changes to daily life right now, so try to set up a new routine of contact, which can help children to feel secure.

This is, understandably, a very stressful time. For some, it will be an opportunity to work together, and could actually improve the co-parenting relationship. Everyone wants to see your child remain happy and healthy.

A lot has changed, but our commitment to you has not. Our team are available by telephone on (02) 4626 5077, email, and teleconference to provide you with advice and assistance. Click here to view our contact details.

The contents of this publication are for reference purposes only. This publication does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Specific legal advice should always be sought separately before taking any action based on this publication.

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